
Emily Swartz is a freelance writer who graduated from USM’s Stonecoast MFA program in Creative Writing. Emily was born and raised in Maine. While growing up she spent most her summers traveling the back roads between Waterville and Winterport to visit her extensive family. There she and her multitude of cousins played Marco Polo every day that it wasn’t thundering out, walked barefoot through the local cemetery only stopping to decipher the oldest of tombstones, and rode bikes up to the Variety and El’Hajj’s Market to buy a whole dollar of penny candy. After many years of wanting to return to the area, Emily has finally moved back to Winterport with her two boys. She has found the ideal house where she can write on her sun porch that overlooks the Penobscot River. he’s looking forward to watching the ice rumble and roll as it breaks after a long cold winter. You can find Emily’s most recent article, Dear stores, What about the boys?  in The Washington Post.

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